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Agent's Report - 11/01/2012
Date:           1 November 2012

To:             Franklin Conservation Commission

From:           Michèle Grenier, PWS, Conservation Agent

Re:             Agent’s Report

I.      Projects

7:30 PM Continued to 11/ 15  
NOI, DEP # 159-1038, 4 Bogastow Brook Lane, Matthew & Danielle Walsh

        No new information has been submitted to date.

  • General Business
Approval of minutes

Discussion:     Conservation Commission Schedule – We have
prepared the 2013 schedule so our meetings do not conflict with the ZBAs meetings

Cooks Farm- Don Neilson                                 
360 West Central Street – Possible alteration of the 200ft riverfront and wetlands (see photos at meeting).

Dover Circle – Illegal dumping of leaves, grass and other yard debris continues after 1st letter sent. (see photos and letters at meeting).

Minor Buffer Zone Activities – 86 Populatic Street – The trees located in front of the house along the driveway are outside our jurisdiction. The two trees, one located just in back of the house is rotted at the base, the other tree is leaning toward the house and is a two stem tree. There are several other oaks on the slopped bank behind the house that are healthy.  There are no wetlands.  

Certificates of Compliance (COC) Residences at Union Place, Upper Union ( 2 COCs to issue).
Both Bill Yadisernia and I have been involved with the clean out and around the detention basin.  The clean-up is complete and an excellent job was preformed.  We also have the yearly clean-up and maintenance plan.  I recommend we issue the COCs.